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How to use

You can use Sol2Ink either with cargo run or by running the binary of Sol2Ink.

  • Using cargo run

  1. Sol2Ink runs on the nightly toolchain of Rust, so you will need that installed
  2. Clone the Sol2Ink repository with git clone
  3. Copy the path to your Solidity files. It can be either a single .sol file or a folder with multiple .sol files. Navigate to the cloned repo and run cargo +nightly run path_to_files substituting path_to_files with the actual name of the file or folder.
  4. The output will be saved in the folder of the original file under generated
  • Using Sol2Ink binary

  1. Download Sol2Ink from the release page
  2. Navigate to the folder where you saved the binary
  3. Run ./sol2ink path_to_files substituting path_to_files with the actual name of the file or folder.
  4. The output will be saved in the folder of the original file under generated